Search Resources
Why Music? from Wiltshire Music Connect, provides a range of resources to explain why music matters to children and young people.
A downloadable calendar featuring 31 black composers with a link to a Spotify playlist.
Download our This Is Not A Rehearsal asset pack to share the campaign on your social media pages.
How high might temperatures climb and how much rain might fall in your area? The BBC and the Met Office have looked at the UK’s changing climate in detail to find out.
Infographics to help you plan activities that are inclusive of neurodivergent performers.
From Microagressions to Racial Trauma these infographics, created by Grace Manisha-Owusu, explain key terms and issues to be aware of as part of your anti-racist work.
A visualisation of some key areas in which you can develop your approach to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Download our free, printable A3 Get Playing poster celebrating 10 0f the many benefits of musical learning, to share and display with your own network.
A simple visual resource to help you reflect on your unconscious bias and consider ways you might become more actively anti-racist.
We wanted to better understand how children and young people across the county experience music, what they want, what’s working well and what they would like to be different. This infographic summarises their responses.