P4 - B5

Articulation and diction

  • Build an awareness of how to use the tongue, teeth, lips and palate in the clear and correct articulation of words

Demonstrate how to use the tongue, teeth, lips and palate in order to ensure clear and correct articulation of words. Take difficult individual words from songs being studied and ask learners to practise, singing them in scales.

Remember to revisit songs already known.

To understand the difference between legato and staccato singing, encourage learners to experiment with the use of the diaphragm, e.g. voiced consonants on a sigh, panting, ‘ape’ noises.

Learners need to be made aware of the differences in articulation and diction in more popular styles and music theatre.

Encourage learners to listen to each other in group lessons, particularly noting aspects of articulation and diction. Ask them to suggest where and how improvements can be made.

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