Teaching Activities

The suggested teaching activities in each Programme of Study are designed to stimulate reflection and to help teachers match the range of work to the needs of learners, either in individual, group or whole-class lessons, the intention being to complement rather than replace teachers’ own successful strategies.

Activities are grouped under one of the six areas so that they are clearly related to learning objectives. Most activities are relevant to more than one area, just as they could fulfil more than one objective.

In selecting activities, the holistic nature of music should be kept in mind. For example, an activity under the heading of ‘listening and internalising’ may be equally applicable to ‘performing and communicating’ and/or ‘making and controlling musical sounds’.

Where appropriate, notes have been added to provide further information on the activity. These may illustrate a particular approach, suggest an extension activity, provide a useful tip, or perhaps clarify a technical point. The activities relate to each ‘family’, e.g. woodwind, piano. Of course, the list of activities is not exhaustive. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the suggestions will help teachers as they plan suitable activities to meet the needs of their learners.