P4 - B4


  • Begin to understand some possible causes of poor intonation and how to
    correct them

Discuss ways of singing in tune throughout the learners’ range. Practise singing unaccompanied phrases from songs being studied, or which are well-known, ensuring that challenging intervals are accurate.

In order to make perceptive, helpful comments, it is important that teachers resist the temptation to sing with learners!

Discuss possible causes of poor intonation. Encourage learners to listen carefully and recognise when intonation difficulties arise. Ask them to analyse the possible causes, e.g. lack of support through faulty breathing techniques – particularly in descending phrases; the lack of preparation of the sound (internalisation); ‘pushing’ the voice from the throat; under-energising.

Record learners’ performances, and encourage them to listen to each other in group lessons, focusing on a good quality of intonation. Video-recording could be used, but it is vital to check the policy of the school or other organisation you are working in with regards to any form of recording. Children must never be videoed without parental consent and all policies regarding use and storage of recordings must be adhered to.

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