P4 - B1

Posture and freedom of movement

  • Maintain a relaxed posture whilst projecting a positive performance image, including gesture where appropriate

Remind learners of the importance of maintaining a relaxed posture whilst projecting a positive performing image. Ask learners to add simple appropriate characterisation to a song through stance and gesture, e.g. ‘Consider Yourself’ from Oliver.

Demonstrate to learners the difference between positive and negative body language when performing.

Encourage learners to observe themselves and others performing, noting the effects of posture on communication.

Encourage learners to check posture/gesture/characterisation in a mirror, to make sure they are all appropriate to the song. Video-recording could also be used for this purpose, but it is vital to check the policy of the school or other organisation you are working in with regards to any form of recording. Children must never be videoed without parental consent and all policies regarding use and storage of recordings must be adhered to.

The teacher/other learners can act as audience.

An occasional lesson in a large space can help to encourage projection.

Encourage learners to attend live performances where possible, and/or watch live performances online.

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