P5 - B3

Quality of sound

  • Set up and tune the instruments (if appropriate, e.g. timpani, surdos) independently with a clear understanding of purpose, doing any retuning when necessary
  • Play and damp with control of the position where the sticks/hands strike the instrument, adjusting and effecting subtle changes to the quality and character of the sound in response to the stylistic and musical requirements
  • Make appropriate choices of sticks/mallets/beaters/brushes with independence, changing between them fluently as appropriate to the music
  • Play with a consistent, controlled sound across the full dynamic range, appropriate to the music being performed and the acoustics of the surroundings and the size of the ensemble

To facilitate performance, experiment with different instrument layouts for multi-percussion pieces.

As well as finding a suitable layout for the instruments, care must be taken to ensure that stick changes are possible and that all instruments can be played effectively, making appropriate choices for natural strokes, rim clicks, and rim shot.

Show learners how to retune one pedal timpani while continuing to play another.

Play a short piece in several different venues, e.g. practice room, hall, outdoors, to enable learners to evaluate the ways in which acoustics affect the sound produced.

Ensure that learners practise playing at different dynamic levels in a range of venues, and that they adjust their dynamics in accordance with the size of the ensemble they are performing with.

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