P1 - B4

Coordination and rhythmic awareness

  • Play with a secure pulse:
    • short pieces coordinating and integrating a simple right-hand melody and left-hand single-finger chords
    • keeping time with a simple auto-accompaniment, e.g. eight-beat
    • listening to and controlling the balance between melody and accompaniment


Ask learners to play a piece (in turn) with both right-hand melody and left-hand chords. While one learner plays, another can help the player’s visual focus by following the notation with a pencil.

For instruments with touch response, it may be necessary to disengage this function so as to achieve an appropriate balance between melody and auto-accompaniment.

Repeat this with auto-accompaniment engaged. Teachers and learners can help the player by clapping time, singing, counting aloud or playing the melody together in unison.

Demonstrate the importance of achieving a satisfactory balance between melody and accompaniment. Show learners how to use appropriate registration settings and devices to help where appropriate, e.g. reducing the auto-accompaniment volume.

These activities are most useful when learners bring their own keyboards to the lesson rather than using school instruments.

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