P1 - B4

Left hand

  • Develop a comfortable and relaxed left-hand shape that facilitates the accurate placement of all fingers, using one finger at a time, with the thumb in a position that maintains the balance of the hand
  • Maintain a rounded, balanced handshape that facilitates playing on the tips of the fingers

Show learners how, when holding a pencil between the left-hand thumb and fingers, a balance is achieved by placing the thumb opposite the second finger.

Show learners how to make the second finger into a ‘pecking hen’, by lifting its tip on and off the underside of the thumb tip.

Teach two-note exercises combining the second-finger A or E with their respective open strings.

These and other preparatory games allow learners to focus on and rehearse hand shapes and finger movements away from the instrument. Use an adhesive dot to show the exact placement of the left-hand thumb and make sure learners can locate notes accurately without looking at their left hand. If necessary, use adhesive dots to help learners locate the fingertips correctly, i.e. just behind the fret.

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