Being Musical
Being Musical Workshops are fun and interactive sessions specifically aimed at performing arts teachers working in a whole class context with children and young people.
Early years music skills made simple in 90 minutes. This is a quick and easy online session is aimed at practitioners working within Early Years Foundation Stage settings to help organise and deliver fun activities to encourage musical learning.
Would you like to feel more relaxed about behaviour in delivering whole class creative lessons with primary/elementary age pupils? The session aims to promote the benefits of building positive relationships quickly. Sign-posting to further courses and organisations is provided.
This fun online session explores ways to ‘be more football’ in the preparation and planning of our music teaching to achieve top scores in learning outcomes. It’s 90 glorious online minutes of revelling in planning your beautiful (teaching) game!
Are you a classroom assistant or class teacher who is present during the music lesson which is taught by a music specialist? Perhaps you’re a music educator working with primary-aged children. Are you making the most of your classroom help in your whole class lessons?