Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) Research
Added to website 25/11/2016. Updated 31/08/2023.
Research and film clips illustrating successful approaches to Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET).

Music Mark, in partnership with Professor Susan Hallam MBE (UCL Institute of Education) and a convened Steering Group, undertook research with its members into Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET).
The aims of the research were:
- to identify examples of high quality WCET
- to provide a context for WCET in identifying the nature of programmes on offer, the role of schools and challenges faced
- to investigate how WCET can make best use of specialist instrumental teaching and learning pedagogy in whole classes
Key findings demonstrate clearly that it is possible to implement WCET programmes in ways that lead to high standards of instrumental playing and high continuation rates.
Highlighted exemplars throughout the research report illustrate approaches, challenges and solutions that are successful and complementary to the local context in which WCET programmes operate.
A series of short film clips (each between 2 and 4 minutes) have been made to encapsulate the key findings directly from the perspective of schools, their teaching staff, Music Service/Lead Organisations of MEHs and their music teachers. The clips are designed to be a useful resource for continued professional development, to raise awareness of WCET provision and include:
- Interviews with headteachers highlighting the importance of supportive school leadership and embedding music within the curriculum
- Discussions with music teachers describing how they approach their teaching and learning of WCET
- WCET programmes in action demonstrating musical activities and musical leadership within a whole class context
- Advice from Music Services/ Lead Organisations of MEHs on the importance of strategic partnership working with schools
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About the Provider
Music Mark
We are a membership organisation, Subject Association, and an Arts Council England Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO) advocating for excellent musical learning in and out of school.