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Music Education in Suffolk: Mapping provision and moving towards music for all

Added to website 31/07/2023.

This report, commissioned by Britten Pears Arts with support from Suffolk Music Hub and Norfolk & Norwich Festival Bridge, maps Suffolk’s state school music provision in response to the 2022 National Plan for Music Education and finds that music education should hold a similar status to other core curriculum subjects because of its important role in boosting pupils’ wellbeing.

The report, written by University of Suffolk academics David James, Phil Nicholson and David Atkins, has made a series of recommendations, which include:

  • Putting music education on a similar status to other core curriculum subjects because of the significant impacts it has on student wellbeing, motivation and wider education attainment outcomes
  • Developing progression routes through school for music-making opportunities
  • Developing a financial model to ensure schools with higher levels of Pupil Premium do not fear financial fallout from parents unable to take up a paid-for music offer through the hub or from visiting music teachers
  • Making singing and music instrument learning available for all state school pupils
  • Facilitating partnerships for independent schools with underutilised music resources to support state schools
  • Developing continuous professional development opportunities for non-specialist staff
  • Exploring ‘musician in residence’ opportunities
  • Using existing music venues and events in Suffolk as a key resource for children to experience musical performances

About the Provider

Britten Pears Arts

Britten Pears Arts is a pioneering cultural charity based in Suffolk. It emerged from the determination of composer Benjamin Britten and his partner, singer Peter Pears, to ensure that everyone could enjoy and experience music. Britten Pears Arts aims to continue their legacy to develop talent, celebrate their heritage and engage with communities.

University of Suffolk

The University of Suffolk is all about transformation – transforming individuals, our community, our region and beyond.
