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Instrument Maintenance Guides

Added to website 24/04/2020. Updated 08/06/2023.

Music Services may need to provide pupils, parents and carers with instrument maintenance guides. If you don’t have guides ready to go, we may be able to help!

Music Services may need to provide pupils, parents and carers with instrument maintenance guides. If you don’t have guides ready to go, we may be able to help! Inspiring Music, Bedfordshire, Hounslow Music Service, Barking and Dagenham Community Music ServiceBuckinghamshire Music Trust and Warwick Music Groups have kindly shared their guides.

Get in touch with us at if you have guides you can share.

About the Provider

Barking and Dagenham Community Music Service

The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) Music Education Hub (MEH) will work with a partnership of local, regional and national providers, schools in the borough, the Bridge organisation - A New Direction, and subject associations to deliver the National Plan for Music Education (NPME).

Buckinghamshire Music Trust

Our core mission is to provide outstanding music education, including instrumental and vocal lessons at school and in one of our Music Centres across Buckinghamshire.

Hounslow Music Service

Hounslow Music Service provides instrumental and vocal lessons to learners of all ages and all abilities, both in and out of school time. In addition to these lessons we also offer a structured, progressive ensemble programme at our midweek music centres and organise performances and projects to complement pupils’ learning.

Inspiring Music

Inspiring Music in Central Bedfordshire's aspiration is to create a system that encourages everyone, whatever their background, to enjoy music and help those with real talent to flourish. Read more here:

pBone Music

Ignite your passion or help others kickstart their musical adventure with instruments trusted by teachers and designed for all children. Affordable, sustainable and fun: pBone Music helps you play, discover, and teach music.
