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Classroom Body Percussion Challenge

Added to website 11/11/2021. Updated 16/04/2024.

#BodyPercussionChallenges is designed to be used by classroom teachers with or without musical knowledge. The pack consists of a pdf and three main videos or backing tracks whichever you prefer to use. For you to make the most of this pack, we recommend using the videos with the animated visual aids to help guide your students through the song structure.

#BodyPercussionChallenges is designed to be used by classroom teachers with or without musical knowledge. The pack consists of a pdf and three main videos or backing tracks whichever you prefer to use. For you to make the most of this pack, we recommend using the videos with the animated visual aids to help guide your students through the song structure.

The main purpose of this project is to encourage students to express themselves through music, rhythm and
lyrics. As inspiration for writing poems and lyrics, we are suggesting the theme ‘Our New World’.

There is a part for every student in this Body Percussion Challenge and plenty of scope for creativity. Some students will be happy playing a body percussion part A or B, others can write and sing/rap the lyrics for the three verses and if you’re more comfortable with dance moves you can have a solo or help the groups refining their dance moves.

This project has been funded by Southwark Music Service.

No Backing:
Body Percussion Part A:
Body Percussion Part B:

All Videos Playlist:
St  Mary Magdalene Y5 Purple Class:
Rye Oak Y5 F:
Rye Oak Y5 T:
Comber Grove – Y4 A:
Comber Grove Y4 O:
Grange Neptune Y5:
Grange Pluto Y5:
St  Francis Y3 N1:
St  Francis Y3 N2:

About the Provider

Nuno Brito

Nuno started teaching with Southwark Music Services in 2007 delivering courses and workshops in Orchestral Percussion, Creative Orchestra, Drum-Kit and Samba. From 2015 Nuno is also Drum Kit and Orchestral Percussion teacher at Kingsdale Foundation School.
