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A map to accompany you on your Inclusive Music Practice journey developed as part of Think22 that helped to bring inclusive practice to the forefront of music education in England. The four resources reflect Drake Music’s core organisational approach of Disabled and Non-Disabled educators, musicians

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This article, written by Chris Philpott, considers ways to decolonise the school music curriculum in a holistic way, and looks beyond ‘adding more’ to the curriculum to challenging the underpinning values.

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Our databases encourage the musical community to discover works by composers from historically excluded groups.

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Sam Stimpson and Rhiannon Diamond highlight inequities in Music Education, and how to diversify the classroom or practice room in a non-tokenistic way.

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During the Hertfordshire Music Service Changing Tracks project various music services came together and contributed to various resources that were used during the project and continue to be used.

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An ‘all thriller, no filler’ bank of resources for all those who want to better engage young people with additional learning needs in music-making.

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This resource for ages 14+ by Angeline Morrison (Guardian folk album of the year 2022) investigates hidden histories of people of African origin, and their relationship to traditional songs that are still sung in Britain today.

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Global Sound Culture: Kenya is a comprehensive, interactive, and engaging digital learning pack designed to immerse your students in the rich, diverse sounds of Kenya. The pack supports delivery of the National Plan for Music Education with a focus on music technology. There are range of activities suitable across KS2-5.

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Key findings from pioneering an inclusive national youth orchestra.

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With the support of funding from Arts Council England, The Music Hub Support Programme 2022/2023 offered training, advice, coaching, metoring and more to all employees working in Music Hubs across England.

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