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A map to accompany you on your Inclusive Music Practice journey developed as part of Think22 that helped to bring inclusive practice to the forefront of music education in England. The four resources reflect Drake Music’s core organisational approach of Disabled and Non-Disabled educators, musicians

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During the Hertfordshire Music Service Changing Tracks project various music services came together and contributed to various resources that were used during the project and continue to be used.

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Do you want to make your recruitment process more inclusive and engaging? Download our free guide to discover our 5 top tips to help you attract a diverse range of candidates who want to work for you!

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Along with a range of HR professionals, colleagues from Bates Wells explored the topic of neurodiversity and looked at the simple steps employers can take, and the tools and strategies they can put in place, to support neurodiverse employees.

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Key findings from pioneering an inclusive national youth orchestra.

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Empower your organisation to evaluate how, where and why Diversity & Inclusion is considered within your strategy, structure, practices and policies with I’M IN. Subsidised sign-up is available for Music Mark members.

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Practical tools from Sound Connections to help practitioners to explore youth voice engagement within their practice.

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This resource, written by Sam Stimpson, provides information and advice on the expectation of Arts Council England when it comes to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

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A series of webinars to support you in understanding and implementing each area of the Talk into Action pledge.

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Find out how to use the Youth Music EDI tools to take action on inclusion. A film by Changing Tracks, the inclusion support programme for music services.

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