Children and School Singing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Added to website 27/08/2020. Updated 07/09/2023.
Sing Up and Music Mark commissioned Professor Martin Ashley to write some up-to-date guidance for schools in relation to managing coronavirus risks associated with singing for the start of the new academic year. We have deliberately waited until there was some concrete evidence to base this guidance on, and Professor Ashley has provided his guidance in the light of research published 20.08.20.

Sing Up and Music Mark commissioned Professor Martin Ashley to write some up-to-date guidance for schools in relation to managing coronavirus risks associated with singing for the start of the new academic year. We have deliberately waited until there was some concrete evidence to base this guidance on, and Professor Ashley has provided his guidance in the light of research published as recently as last week (20th August).
About the Provider
Music Mark
We are a membership organisation, Subject Association, and an Arts Council England Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO) advocating for excellent musical learning in and out of school.
Sing Up
Sing Up's online platform and resources are designed to improve learning outcomes; your pupils will be more engaged and focused in the classroom.