Tim Hallas and BBC Ten Pieces
16th October 2015

Our series of posts about the BBC Ten Pieces Secondary project has seen us interview David Ashworth, Anna Gower and Richard Rainwaring. Today, it’s the turn of Tim Hallas whose many hats include the role of Music Technology Editor for Music Teacher Magazine. Tim wrote the lesson plan and resources for Gabriel Prokofiev’s Concerto for Turntable and Orchestra, which is certainly one of the more eye-catching titles of the Ten Pieces selection!
What were your intentions with the resources that you created?
I wanted to enable easy access to DJ techniques, sampling and music making to as many people as possible. It was my intention to incorporate as much ‘found sound’ music into the lesson as possible so that no specialist technology was essential. I also wanted to use BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) as a means of engagement.
Why do you think Ten Pieces matters in the current music education climate?
Music education can often get compartmentalised and pupils can associate certain genres without the context in which they are composed. These projects are great for opening pupils up to a range of music without worrying about what genre they are.
If you could choose an ‘eleventh piece’, what would it be?
Steve Reich’s Electric Counterpoint
Describe the best music lesson you’ve taught (or seen taught)
Pupils entered the room in silence and the teacher was silent too. Every pupil and teacher sat down at a djembe and the teacher taught the pupils a huge range of African rhythms throughout the hour, simply using call and response. The teacher didn’t say a word during the entire lesson. The lesson focused solely on drumming but a huge amount of information was transferred by the process of ‘doing’.