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Ofsted’s “Better Inspection for All” report announces a greater focus on music in inspections

4th February 2015

Ofsted’s new “Better Inspection for All” report makes reference to music in Point 27 as below:

A focus on music in inspections
27. The Don’t Stop the Music Campaign encouraged many parents and others to respond to the consultation. As part of the campaign, those who responded to the consultation said that Ofsted should include a specific focus on music as part of inspections and produce evidence of that in inspection reports. They also said that no school should be judged good or outstanding if it is not at least good or outstanding in music. Ofsted cannot commit to focusing inspection disproportionately on an individual subject. However, we agree with the broader point that inspection must take account of whether schools offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Music is clearly an element of such a curriculum. Based on the responses and feedback overall we have decided that we will consider the breadth and balance of a provider’s curriculum under the effectiveness of leadership and management judgement.

Read the full report here
