Music Mark consults its members on the Model Music Curriculum
5th March 2019
The UK Association of Music Education – Music Mark invites its membership to discuss the Department for Education’s (DfE) Model Music Curriculum draft and contribute to the overall Music Mark consultation, which will be submitted to the DfE’s Expert Panel in May.
Music Mark’s CEO, Bridget Whyte, was invited in January to join the Expert Panel convened by the DfE to discuss the development of a Model Music Curriculum. This Model Music Curriculum will sit alongside the existing National Curriculum for Music at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 as additional non-statutory guidance for teachers. It is the third model curriculum to be prepared by the DfE, following the first two created for Maths and Science.
As part of the process of developing this non-statutory guidance – which is it hoped will be published in July 2019 – the DfE have allocated some time for wider consultation. Music Mark has been given permission to carry out some consultation for its membership – whom Bridget Whyte represents at the Panel. The period of consultation is proposed to take place from April 24th to May 8th. Music Mark is not receiving any financial or other support from the DfE or the ABRSM to do this consultation of its Members or Partners.
The consultation will be threefold:
- An afternoon meeting for Music Mark Members, School members and Corporate Partners on Thursday 25thApril at NMPAT in Northampton. This session will take place from 1.30 to 4.30pm and is free to attend. Places are limited to 150 and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please get in touch if you are a member and would like to attend.
- An online forum for Members only, to discuss and debate questions during the consultation period. More details coming soon.
- A survey of our 5000 Music Mark School members, inviting comment on the draft model music curriculum.
Music Mark aims to subsequently collate all feedback from its consultation and share the data with the DfE prior to final editing and the Minister for Schools, Nick Gibb, signing off the document for publication in July.