Bursaries available for Post Graduate Certificate in Music and Special Needs
14th May 2018

Post Graduate Certificate in Music and Special Needs: Sounds of Intent
Promoting musical development in children and young people with complex needs
The Post Graduate Certificate in Music and Special Needs: Sounds of Intent is accredited by the University of Roehampton. It was developed by Professor Adam Ockelford and consists of 3 modules worth 20 credits each. The qualification can be standalone or count towards a Masters degree. The course is based around reflective practice. It is delivered by Roehampton University with professional input and support from Soundabout and hosted by S4E Music service.
The Sounds of Intent programme enables practitioners to gain the skills and understanding necessary to use the Sounds of Intent framework in assessing children and young people’s level of musical development, and devising music policies and curricula. The programme has been developed for teachers, musicians, therapists and others working with children, young people and adults with learning difficulties.
The taught element of the course takes place largely at Holt Court, S4E HQ, Birmingham, with some sessions at the Soundabout premises in Oxfordshire, on Thursdays, primarily in the Autumn term. Fieldwork takes place at a setting identified by the student.
Requirements: normally a first degree. Students without a first degree will need to have a substantial experience of working with people with special needs or learning disabilities. If you would like to apply via the experience route, CVs should be sent to Dr Arielle Bonneville-Roussy: A.BonnevilleRoussy@roehampton.ac.uk
Further information about the course visit: https://www.roehampton.ac.uk/postgraduate-courses/sounds-of-intent/
Soundabout bursaries now available for the course! For further information please contact Professor Adam Ockelford A.ockelford@roehampton.ac.uk or Dr Arielle Bonneville-Roussy A.BonnevilleRoussy@roehampton.ac.uk