P1 - B2


  • Breathe freely, developing an awareness of how the breathing mechanism works whilst maintaining a relaxed and balanced posture

Help learners to establish good breathing habits by ensuring that their ribcages expand so that the lungs are filled with air.

Learners should stand whenever they sing.

Ask learners to experiment with breathing slowly through the nose or the mouth, making sure that the shoulders do not rise.

Learners are often more aware of the sensation of breathing when they breathe out first.

Explore different ways of breathing out, e.g. breathing out on an
unvoiced sigh, or gently blowing an imaginary candle so that it flickers but does not go out, or hissing like a snake with a constant stream of air. Ensure learners maintain good posture.

When singing, singers normally breathe through the mouth. Discourage learners from collapsing inwards physically as the breath runs out.

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