P1 - B4

Left hand

  • Develop an appropriate free left-hand shape which facilitates accurate placement of the fingers
    • developing strength of finger action
    • playing in a single position

Ask learners to listen to a clear tone, either produced by the teacher or recorded. Encourage them to imitate and discuss what affects tone quality.

Show learners how to establish a free left-hand shape that facilitates accurate placement of the fingers. Help them to find an appropriate and comfortable left-hand position, ensuring that:

  • the wrist is pushed forward
  • learners can clearly see their fingernails
  • the fourth string can be reached easily
  • each individual string can be played clearly
  • other strings are not touched by accident

Be aware of learners’ individual physical characteristics and make adaptations as appropriate.

Demonstrate how to fret a note cleanly. Ask learners to copy.

Encourage learners to fret the string close to the fret wire, developing an awareness of the degree of pressure that is required when the left hand is operating correctly.

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