P4 - B1

Posture, placement of Tabla and hand position

  • Maintain an appropriate playing position with more ease and control:
    • demonstrating appropriate wrist, arm and shoulder posture
    • placing the Tabla in accordance with the dominant hand (left-handed or right-handed)
    • sitting (or standing) in a comfortable position to aid freedom of movement
    • developing stamina to play for longer periods of time
    • developing an awareness of the role of posture and facial expression in creating a positive performing image

Continue to demonstrate appropriate posture and pay attention to posture as the length of repertoire increases.

Pay particular attention to avoiding tension in the shoulders.

When teaching learners to play exercises in ekgun (single speed), dugun (double speed) and chaugun (quadruple speed), gradually increase the length of time that learners play at faster speeds in order to develop stamina.

Continue to encourage self-evaluation by use of a mirror.

Video-recording could also be used for this purpose, but it is vital to check the policy of the school or other organisation you are working in with regards to any form of recording. Children must never be videoed without parental consent and all policies regarding use and storage of recordings must be adhered to.

Encourage learners to be aware of their breathing and to avoid unnecessary tension.

Use role-play to discuss the effects of good posture in communicating an effective performance.

An occasional lesson in a large space can help to encourage projection.

Ask learners to observe others performing, noting the effects of posture on communication.

Encourage learners to attend live performances where possible, and/or watch live performances online.

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