P2 - B5


  • Recognise and play with more secure intonation
  • Develop some ability to adjust and effect changes to intonation

Check the position of the left elbow, arm, hand and fingers.

Check the left hand/finger position of cellists when playing in an extended position.

Ask learners to sing/play, listening carefully to the intonation:

  • in copycat and call-and-response games
  • while improvising to an accompaniment
  • when changing from major to minor key, and vice versa

Encourage learners to internalise the sound, asking them to identify and adjust faulty intonation in individual and part-playing with an awareness of the harmonic context.

Demonstrate and explain to learners how to play in simple keys/tonalities within a two-octave range, e.g. major and minor scales, pentatonic scales, modes or ragas.

Using simple arpeggios, teach learners to recognise tonic and dominant, major and minor thirds.

Tonic and dominant can be described as ‘home and away’ notes.

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