P3 - B1

Posture, hand position, and recognition of strings and levers

  • Maintain appropriate posture and a relaxed stance whilst using a greater range of the instrument
  • Play with a relaxed hand position, maintaining lowered wrist and gap between thumb and finger within repertoire which demands more connected finger placing and covers a greater range of the instrument
  • Lever changing should be fluent and moved promptly at the beginning of pieces, scales, etc.
    • For pedal harp, move pedals within a simple passage aiming for quiet movement
  • Change levers during playing within moderately challenging passages.  Practise melodic minors (in right hand only)
    • For pedal harp, move pedals with fluency within more technically demanding passages

Demonstrate a range of physical warm-ups, at and away from the harp, to encourage free shoulders, a supported spine, supple wrists, etc.

Be aware of learners’ individual physical characteristics and make adaptations as appropriate.

Remind learners to keep a relaxed jaw, allowing the mouth to open slightly if feeling tension in this area.

Encourage learners to use video recordings or mirrors to check their posture, hand position and articulation in between lessons.

It is vital to check the policy of the school or other organisation you are working in with regards to any form of recording. Children must never be videoed without parental consent and all policies regarding use and storage of recordings must be adhered to.

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