P5 - D1

Work out by ear how to play pieces of increasing complexity

Demonstrate how to play melodies by ear in different keys. For the guitarist, transposing a melody that stays in one position and does not require open strings is a relatively straightforward activity. Ask learners, therefore, to transpose melodies with wide leaps and challenging intervals.

Transposing by ear is an important tool for the advanced musician.

Choose guitar pieces with simple melodies and harmonies and ask learners to transpose them to keys in which both elements can be comfortably recreated.

Help learners to internalise both melodic and harmonic elements by ear.

Ask learners to practise playing a familiar piece, e.g. ‘Happy Birthday’, in a variety of keys.

Ask learners to make up some variations on well-known tunes by ear, using a range of melodic and/or rhythmic patterns.

Ask learners to work out by ear some possible harmonies for well-known tunes.