P4 - B1

Posture and freedom of movement

  • Develop an appropriate relaxed posture and hand position, in line with the learner’s physiology, age and muscle development:
    • supporting and balancing the instrument with more ease
    • maintaining the guitar at the appropriate angle by either using a foot stool or raising the guitar with a suitable support
    • ensuring that both hands are free
    • developing a positive performing image

Show learners how moving the right foot back and to the left slightly, and the right thigh to a point under the guitar, rather than at its end, can facilitate a degree of upper-body movement.

By now, learners should have enough control of the guitar to be able to experiment with postural modifications of this kind, should the idea of having more body movement seem appropriate. The teacher/other learners can act as audience.

Demonstrate to learners the difference between positive and negative body language when performing.

Use role-play to discuss the effects of good posture in communicating an effective performance.

Encourage learners to observe others performing, noting the effects of posture on communication.

The aim is to encourage learners to play beyond the music stand. An occasional lesson in a large space can help to encourage projection.

Encourage learners to attend live performances where possible, and/or watch live performances online.

Some learners find relaxation methods useful, e.g. yoga, Alexander Technique.

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