P5 - B4

Tone quality and intonation

  • Tune the instrument with accuracy independently, recognising when retuning is necessary
  • Recognise and play with secure intonation:
    • adjusting and effecting subtle changes
  • Play with a consistent, refined tone quality across the complete compass and dynamic range, developing a controlled vibrato and using different tone colours/timbres,
    according to the style of the music

With learners, play a well-known tune in parallel intervals, e.g. fifths, to focus on intonation.

Practise simple chordal exercises as a group, asking learners to listen to the relative intonation of the inner parts.

Practise tuning major and minor chords by playing the root, then adding the fifth and finally the third.

Encourage learners to listen to performances by the teacher or professional players to see how the use of vibrato can warm the sound. Explore how and where to introduce vibrato in the repertoire.

There are many valid ways of teaching vibrato. Some are more suited to particular learners than others.

Record learners’ performances of a piece or study. Discuss and evaluate the results, focusing on tone quality and intonation. Ask learners to suggest ways of making improvements.

It is vital to check the policy of the school or other organisation you are working in with regards to any form of recording. Children must never be videoed without parental consent and all policies regarding use and storage of recordings must be adhered to.

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