P4 - B5

Articulation and coordination

  • Use the tongue to articulate notes at a regular pulse:
    • playing with clarity and flexibility of tonguing over a larger range, incorporating multiple tonguing such as double and triple
    • developing the technique of legato tonguing
    • coordinating hand and tongue with more ease and control at a variety of tempi
  • Play melodic slurs with more ease and control at a variety of tempi and over an increasing range of notes (including slurring across slide positions for trombonists)

Ask learners to play chromatically from low C to the bottom of the known range, using the ‘Piccadilly’ rhythm.

Encourage learners to practise chromatic passages in the low register to coordinate the tongue and more awkward fingerings.

Ask learners to practise scales in thirds, slurring either pairs of notes or the whole scale. As an extension activity, ask learners to try slurring different patterns, e.g. every three notes.

Introduce trombone learners to the concept of slurring against the slide, e.g.:

Trombone players need to become aware of where they can slur against the slide, and where they can use legato tonguing.

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