P3 - B1

Posture, hold and freedom of movement

  • Maintain an appropriate balanced and relaxed posture, both sitting and standing:
    • holding the instrument with ease in an appropriate manner
    • developing stamina to play for longer periods of time

Ask learners to evaluate each other’s posture and suggest improvements.

French horn players should now be playing with an established right hand position with consistency.

Continue to use a mirror to facilitate learners’ self-evaluation and refinement of their posture.

Video-recording could also be used for this purpose, but it is vital to check the policy of the school or other organisation you are working in with regards to any form of recording. Children must never be videoed without parental consent and all policies regarding use and storage of recordings must be adhered to.

Include a mix of sitting and standing during lessons, ensuring that good posture is established in both positions.

Points identified in Programmes of Study 1 and 2 should continue to apply in Programme of Study 3.

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