P2 - B5

Articulation and coordination

  • Use the tongue to articulate notes whilst maintaining a controlled column of air:
    • developing clarity
    • coordinating hand and tongue with more control
    • beginning to play staccato
  • Begin to play melodic slurs

Ask learners to play the first five notes of the scale to a rhythm, e.g. ’Piccadilly Circus, Piccadilly Circus’, on each note in turn.

Check and review the mechanics of tonguing, with a view to increasing learners’ awareness.

Using previously learned pieces, encourage learners to experiment with subdividing the note values, e.g. a crotchet becomes two quavers.

Check that there is a constant flow of the air column.

Encourage learners to practise separating the different skills, e.g. sing a tune while fingering the valves/moving the slide. Then ask them to play the tune.

For tongue/hand coordination, extend the activity on ‘Piccadilly Circus’ so that learners play the rhythm ascending the first five notes of the scale, e.g. C/D/E/F/G.

Construct various games to allow for learner differentiation.

Ask learners to compose a piece of music called ’The Slug’, using the notes D-A and slurs.

Ask learners to perform a short, simple piece, both slurred and detached, and discuss the effect.

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