P3 - B5

Articulation and coordination

  • Coordinate the right and left hands at a regular pulse:
    • playing with more clarity and fluency at a variety of tempi
    • using a variety of articulations and rhythmic patterns
    • using a larger range of notes, incorporating simple shifts 

Demonstrate how a tune or bass line can be played using different articulations. Ask learners to copy and to discuss the musical outcomes.

Using familiar tunes, ask learners to play them using different dynamics and positions. Ask them to comment on the musical effect.

Ask learners to make up some simple rhythmic variations on a well-known tune, combining different articulations with positional changes.

Ask learners to suggest appropriate fingering for some of their pieces.

When learning pieces of music that involve string crossing, focus on maintaining coordination of left and right and consistency of tone.

Focus on developing the accuracy of articulation when playing basic slap and pop bass lines.

Teach walking bass lines that allow learners to demonstrate coordination between the left and right hand.

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