P1 - B3

Right hand

  • Develop a satisfying, clear sound at two or more dynamic levels:
    • plucking strings with free right-hand and arm movements, using thumb and/or alternate fingers
    • using the plectrum as appropriate

Ask learners to listen to a clear tone, either produced by the teacher or recorded. Encourage them to imitate and discuss what affects tone quality.

Ask learners to play single-string notes at a regular pulse to a drum beat.

Demonstrate to learners how to achieve a rest by stopping the string with either the left or right hand. Encourage them to experiment using open strings, and to comment on the musical effect created by a rest.

Teach learners to play a 12-bar blues progression in A or D on single open strings, using alternate right-hand fingers, while the teacher provides a variety of blues-oriented accompaniments.

Use this activity to explore adding rhythmic interest to bass lines.

Introduce a variety of bass lines that require learners to cross parallel strings.

Ask learners to practise alternating index and middle fingers free from tension on and off the bass guitar.

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